destruction is easier than creation.

Jillian DuBois
4 min readOct 5, 2023


it is much easier to destroy than to build.

my initial thoughts + words written here were going to be just about that.

i wanted to share all of the gritty + polarizing details of the past month, but that’s just not who i am. it is not my intent to play the same game of resentment + anger just because i can.

yes, i had unwarranted + unethical circumstances come up that tried to discredit my name.

an attempt to corrupt my creativity. my art. my soul.

and while i was going through all of the emotions, i was especially angry.

infuriated + indignant, i wanted that source of pain to feel the same way i did. to understand the gravity of what i suffered.

but. i made a choice.

it would have been easy to fall into the trap of shaming someone by throwing cheap insults + hurtful gossip.

all it takes is a quick push, a flick of a switch, or a few harsh words. it is easy to destroy something without thinking about the consequences.

  • it is easier to tear down a building than to build one.
  • it is easier to break a heart than to heal it.
  • it is easier to spread misinformation than to correct it.
  • it is easier to create conflict than to resolve it.
  • it is easier to pollute the environment than to clean it up.
  • it is easier to start a war than to end it.
  • it is easier to destroy a relationship than to build one.
  • it is easier to lose your temper than to keep your cool.
  • it is easier to give up than to keep going.
  • it is easier to be critical than to be constructive.
  • it is easier to be selfish than to be selfless.

it takes more conscious energy + skill to create something than to destroy it.

creation requires planning, thought, and empathy.

destruction is done effortlessly in a moment of temper, frustration, or carelessness.

to create is to add value + permanence to the world.

i want to take a moment to sit with you in the stillness here. as you read my thoughts, consider the word — ‘entropy‘.

i came across it as i was searching for a synonym for ‘disorder + uncertainty‘.

entropy is the natural tendency of things to become more disordered over time. this is why it is important to be mindful of our words + actions. when we destroy something, we are making the world a more chaotic place.

the more disordered a system is, the higher its entropy.

imagine a room full of people standing in a circle. the room is relatively ordered because everyone is in a specific space. but if everyone starts moving around randomly, the room will become disrupted. the more people move without purpose, the more disordered the room will become.

that’s a heavy one for me. i dislike the confusion of uncertain times. i tend to jump quickly to a state of panic + anxiety.

but. not this time.

i allowed entropy to become a catalyst for order.

my recent situation that was messy + ugly, meant for harm…my intellectual property was threatened to be destroyed without consent or defense…this entropy created fear + an unsettled spirit that immediately wanted to seek retaliation.

in this case, entropy evolved as the guiding force that created a shift toward hope + joy.

it all made sense as my strong will pushed back.

a personal crisis can be devastating, but it can also force us to confront our own limitations + make positive changes.

when we experience a shift in our thinking or perspective, it leads to deeper insights + possibilities.

friends, this is exactly my story. my song. my voice. please listen carefully.

this person who triggered havoc unknowingly caused me to adapt to opportunities for something new + better to emerge.

i sat back. took time to process the decisions i needed to make.

i turned to family + friends like you. i respectfully prayed for a humble heart to restart a journey that had been a meaningful season of healing for my emotional + mental health.

and you were there. with words of affirmation, messages of joy + love. i was gently challenged to breathe life back into my art.

you showed up to help me grow. stretch. make room for a different frame of mind.

i turned crisis into calm by repurposing my books, artwork, + illustrations into a beautiful resurrection of my creativity.

when i least expected it, gratitude had resurfaced.

forgiveness is a gift that you give yourself, not the other person.

and that gives freedom to show up + love generously.

with joy. imparted joy.



Jillian DuBois

Elementary Educator from Tampa Bay, FL. Recovering Overthinker. Author • Illustrator • Publisher. Optimistic Originator of Imparted Joy LLC